
Linda Waldon knew early in life that she had an interest in fashion, but it took a turn in the computer industry to give her the skills she needed to turn her passion for fashion into True Colors by Linda. Throughout Linda’s travels as a computer trainer that took her from Sydney to Paris, she always managed to fit in side trips to art museums and fashion institutes to satisfy her love of art, color, and fashion design.

“As a child I remember painting and drawing pictures of the places I visited,” says Linda, the principal and founder of True Colors by Linda in San Luis Obispo.  “I also wrote plays in grade school that we would perform for the entire school.  I thought of those activities as hobbies, and it wasn’t until I became an adult that I realized they were creative passions that I could turn into a career!”

A graduate of University of Michigan, Linda began her professional career after moving to Northern California at the same time the personal computer industry began to grow.  “That actually gave me the knowledge and skills I needed to succeed as an entrepreneur,” she says.  “I started out as a trainer which helped me develop public speaking skills, and ultimately ran my own training departments, which taught me how to create sales and marketing plans, provide customer service, and basically run my own business.”

After a successful career in the computer industry, Linda decided to answer the calling of her early passions for fashion and image, and she studied fashion design, color theory, and the art of personal style.

Building strategic alliances with retailers, educational organizations, and companies, Linda began to work with their customers and employees.  “Instead of giving people rules about what they should wear, I teach them how to choose the colors and styles that enhance their appearance to make a powerful first impression, and they end up feeling more self-confident, which starts to build up their inner self-esteem and ultimately their productivity,” says Linda.  “It is transformation from the outside in!”

Linda delivers workshops about presenting a self-confident and winning image, as well as personal image consultations and closet makeovers.  “I’m not your typical image consultant, “ says Linda. “I’m more interested in helping people change the way they feel about themselves, helping them to look at their bodies as a work of art, without any judgment.  They learn how to wear clothes that work for their body proportions and coloring.  And they learn to pay attention to the way they interact with people, their body language, and the non-verbal messages that speak volumes. The result is phenomenal. There is a transformation that occurs when they finally see –and feel - their true energy, and you can literally see them glowing with renewed self-confidence and inner strength.”

Contact Linda

Email: linda@lindawaldon.com

Phone: 805.550.2923


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